Engaging people - an interview featured

Thor Rigtrup Larsen, a recent graduate from the amazing KaosPilot leadership school, gathered a collection of perspectives and tools for involving others in innovation processes.

This is for you who has an interest in involving people more in your work, whether you call them users, citizens, customers, stakeholders, or something else. The publication serves both as an introduction and an inspirational expedition into the fields of open innovation, user-driven innovation, design thinking, online community building, and many other approaches to open innovation processes.

The publication, available online and for download at engagingpeople.tumblr.com, featured an interview with me about 'The physical frames of freedom':

“Tech itself is boring! We don’t give a shit about processor speed, we lean to the social side. What is important is how people relate to technology, how it changes culture.”


news, textsAttila Bujdosó