Air Project on [THE NEXT IDEA] blog

Since last year we started working on a speculative art installation which was just featured on Ars Electronica's [THE NEXT IDEA] blog. Air Project takes air as a metaphor for access to resources and reflects on a future in which fresh air has become extremely rare and valuable. The project addresses issues of ownership and access to the most basic of human needs in relation to our co-existence and puts visitors in a position in which they reflect upon these from a surprisingly intimate experience.

This project is not about air quality as such. It is about quality of access. The project addresses issues of owner-ship and access to the most basic of human needs in relation to co-existence.

01 air project - main image

It is an ongoing artistic research project developed by four of us: Jop Japenga, Melinda Sipos and Zoltán Csík-Kovács former colleagues at Kitchen Budapest and myself. ​​Our team is looking for partners and exhibition opportunities to present and further develop the project. So if you know any such opportunity, let me know.

Find out more about the Air Project website.

news, project, publicity, blogAttila Bujdosó